Northview Bible Church

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Day 13: Saturday, January 18

PerseveranceGalatians 6:7-10

Paul reminds us not to grow weary in doing good because, in God’s perfect timing, we will reap a harvest. Perseverance requires faith, especially when the results of our efforts feel unseen or slow.

It’s easy to become discouraged when challenges arise in our lives and church communities. Yet, God calls us to keep sowing seeds of love, service, and faithfulness. He promises that the harvest will come if we don’t give up.

Are there areas where you feel weary in doing good? Pray for strength and trust in God’s timing. Your faithful obedience matters more than you realize.

Application Point: Persevere in one prayer area this week, even if you feel discouraged. Specifically, focus on a prayer request for which you have been praying a while. God is working through your faithfulness.