Northview Bible Church

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Day 9: Tuesday, January 14

HumilityPhilippians 2:1-8

Paul urges us to have the same mindset as Christ, who “made himself nothing” to serve and save us. True humility is not thinking less of yourself but putting others’ interests above your own. It reflects Jesus’ servant-hearted love and brings transformation to relationships.

In a self-focused world, humility stands out. It fosters unity, strengthens communities, and deepens faith. When we prioritize others—listening, serving, and sacrificing—we model Christ’s example and grow in spiritual maturity.

Where can you demonstrate humility today? Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften your heart, giving you opportunities to serve and honor those around you.

Application Point: Today, ask God how to put someone else’s needs first intentionally. Then, serve quietly without telling anyone you are doing so. Humility creates space for Christ’s love to shine.