Day 10: Wednesday, January 15

FellowshipActs 2:42-47

The early church devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. Their deep connection to one another and to God brought transformation and joy. They shared generously, cared for each other’s needs, and worshiped together in unity.

Fellowship isn’t just about social gatherings; it’s about walking alongside one another in faith. True community involves intentional relationships where we pray together, grow in God’s Word, and encourage each other.

How can you deepen your connection to the body of Christ? Pray for opportunities to engage in fellowship—whether through small groups, shared meals, or acts of service.

Application Point: Ask God to direct you to someone in the Northview community who needs encouragement and fellowship. Share a meal, give them a call, pray together, or connect and encourage them today. God works powerfully through fellowship.

Lori Smoll