Northview Bible Church

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Day 8: Monday, January 13

Day 8: Unity1 Corinthians 12:12-18

Paul paints a beautiful picture of the Church as the body of Christ. Though each part is unique, all are essential, working together in unity. Just as the human body thrives when every part functions properly, so does the Church when its members serve in harmony.

Unity doesn’t mean uniformity. God has gifted each of us differently to contribute to His work. The challenge comes in valuing those differences and embracing the role He’s given us. Whether you serve behind the scenes or on the front lines, your part matters.

Are you connected and contributing to the body of Christ? Pray for a heart that values others and a willingness to play your role, however big or small.

Application Point: Prayerfully identify one way to support or encourage someone at Northview today. When we encourage each other, we’re living as the Body of Christ.