Northview Bible Church

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Day 11: Thursday, January 16

Sacrificial LoveJohn 15:9-15

Jesus calls us to love one another as He has loved us. His love is selfless, sacrificial, and unwavering. He laid down His life for us, and He invites us to reflect that love by serving and sacrificing for others.

Loving others sacrificially can feel costly—it requires time, energy, and humility. Yet, this kind of love strengthens the Church and bears witness to the world. It’s a love rooted in Christ’s example and empowered by His Spirit.

Who is God calling you to love more deeply today? Pray for a heart willing to serve, give, and love others sacrificially.

Application Point: Pray that God will reveal someone in the Northview community who is difficult for you to love. Then, express love to them in a tangible way. A small act of sacrifice can reflect Christ’s great love.